Litigation Support
The same issues and concerns of owners and operators in expanding a business often come into play in lawsuits over business matters. KlasRobinson Q.E.D. has assisted numerous clients with analyses of lost profits, business potential, development options, economic impact, regulatory impact, analysis of opposing expert reports and other services. We understand the unique precision and discretion needed in legal matters.
Business Plans
Lenders and investors often require detailed business plans going beyond a justification of investment to show exactly how the business will achieve its projected results. For tribal projects, NIGC requirements also may include a detailed business plan. KlasRobinson Q.E.D. can prepare the market and financial text and work together with other members of the project team to incorporate other relevant material into a clear, persuasive, user-friendly document.
Sample Table of Contents
Relevant Engagements
Investment Advisory Services
In addition to completing our own analyses, KlasRobinson Q.E.D. can evaluate project proposals, feasibility studies and other economic information provided to our clients by third parties to encourage them to invest in or lend to their projects. If you are evaluating an investment or lending opportunity and you want an expert outside evaluation of market research and projections already prepared, we can tell you whether the assumptions are reasonable, the projections are supported, and what questions still need answers.
Master Planning Assistance
Master planning is a complex process involving land use, design, development costs, stakeholder input, market demand, competitive impact and profit potential. KlasRobinson Q.E.D. often works with owners, architects, management, and other key project team members to develop long-range strategic plans for multi-site and multi-use development opportunities.